Zadajte heslo pre pokračovanie

of a potential client





Eternity Markets s. r. o., Prievozská 6A, Bratislava - Ružinov 821 09, ID No.: 54 074 941 informs the client that this investment questionnaire is designed to evaluate whether the client's expertise and experience in the field of investments is within the scope of enabling the client to thoroughly consider all the risks associated with the service requested, at the same time, this information is necessary to assess whether the product in which the client is interested is appropriate for his investment profile, or which of our products has the appropriate criteria to meet his investment profile.

1. Where do the funds you plan to invest come from?

2. What degree of investment risk of loss of your investments are you willing to accept?

3. Which of the following statements best describes the purpose of your investment?

4. What are your investment goals?


Eternity Markets s. r. o., Prievozská 6A, Bratislava - Ružinov 821 09, ID No.: 54 074 941 informs the client that this investment questionnaire is designed to evaluate whether the client's expertise and experience in the field of investments is within the scope of enabling the client to thoroughly consider all the risks associated with the service requested, at the same time, this information is necessary to assess whether the product in which the client is interested is appropriate for his investment profile, or which of our products has the appropriate criteria to meet his investment profile.

5. What characterises the stock?

6. Please provide your experience in investing in financial instruments:

Bonds, bond equity funds:

Mixed, stock and real estate mutual funds:

Derivatives, trading on loan or on leverage:


7. Do you have work experience (in the last 10 years) and/or a degree in a field related to capital markets, financial services or investing in financial instruments?

8. For what period do you plan on investing your money?

9. Would you like to invest funds so that a professionally skilled person, based on expert market analysis, actively manages your investments to achieve the best possible outcome without you having to actively monitor developments in the financial markets?

As we have informed you above, we are obliged to verify your identity. This process can be carried out in a simple way by sending us a scan of your ID card and a document confirming the address you provided in the information above and which is shown on your ID card (e.g. electricity invoice, bill from your mobile operator, account statement,...). The proof must not be older than 6 months

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I am interested in the evaluation of the answers and the information according to Act 186/2009 Coll:

In accordance with Act No. 297/2008 Coll. on the Protection against the Legalization of the Proceeds from Crime and on the Protection against the Financing of Terrorism and on the Amendment and Supplementation of Certain Acts, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Act on the Protection against the Legalization of the Proceeds from Crime"), I hereby bindly declare that:

And I also declare that the business for which the funds are to be used

In the case of a legal person (or individual entrepreneur/pool of assets):

I also hereby declare that I am a politically exposed person or a sanctioned person within the meaning of the Act on the Protection against Money Laundering

Upon completion of this questionnaire, a record of your financial intermediation activity will be sent to the email address provided at registration.

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of the test

Dear client,

The answers you have given mean that you do not have sufficient experience and knowledge necessary to understand the complexities and risks involved in investing with the particular type of financial instrument offered or requested or the requested investment service. The products we offer are highly risky and volatile. Clients may lose all of their invested funds. We regret to inform you at this time that we are unable to process your request to open a trading account. We recommend that you gather more knowledge about the area of investment with the specific type of financial instrument or the investment service requested before making a further request to open a trading account. Please note that by providing a current valuation you will not be able to apply for a trading account for the next 30 days.

of the test


We are hereby obliged to warn you that you do not have sufficient knowledge and experience in the field of investing regarding the specific type of financial instrument offered or requested, the requested investment service or sub-service and we have assessed these as inadequate for you. Despite this notice, you may decide to invest in a particular financial instrument or use an investment service or sub-service, but in this case you make such a decision entirely at your own risk.

I acknowledge that such an approach does not reflect my expertise and experience which is necessary to understand the risks involved, nevertheless I am interested in investing.

of the test

Dear client {{ ?? 'Name' }},

Based on our evaluation of your client test, we have advised you that you do not have sufficient knowledge and experience in the field of investing in relation to the specific type of financial instrument offered or requested, the investment service or ancillary service requested, and we have evaluated these as inadequate for you. You have decided on the basis of our notice that you do not wish to invest in a particular financial instrument or use an investment service or ancillary service.

We thank you for your time and interest in our services.

of the test

Dear client {{ ?? 'Name' }},

Based on the evaluation of your client test, the following investment products are suitable for you:

  • Managed portfolio
  • Stocks
  • Bonds
  • Mutual funds, ETFs

We have sent you a copy of your completed questionnaire to your e-mail along with an evaluation of your answers and other information according to Act 186/2009 Coll. If the data does not match the way you answered, please contact us immediately.
Due to the fact that we as SFA are obliged under Article 58 of the EU Delegated Commission Regulation 2017/565 to have a contract with the client during the provision of financial intermediation, we submit to you this draft Financial Intermediation Contract).

  • I have read and agree to the contents of the draft contract and its components
  • I am responsible for the completeness, accuracy, and truthfulness of the above information
  • I have uploaded and documented my identity
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of the test

Vážený klient,

prostredníctvom webovej stránky ste doručil našej spoločnosti Návrh na uzatvorenie Zmluvy o finančnom sprostredkovaní.

Tento Váš Návrh v plnom rozsahu prijímame a týmto zároveň potvrdzujeme, že týmto dochádza k uzatvoreniu Zmluvy o finančnom sprostredkovaní, ktorá zároveň nadobúda platnosť a účinnosť.

of the test

Vážený klient,

prostredníctvom webovej stránky ste doručil našej spoločnosti Návrh na uzatvorenie Zmluvy o finančnom sprostredkovaní.

Tento Váš Návrh v plnom rozsahu prijímame a týmto zároveň potvrdzujeme, že týmto dochádza k uzatvoreniu Zmluvy o finančnom sprostredkovaní, ktorá zároveň nadobúda platnosť a účinnosť.
